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The Drinking Show - Correcting George Michael's Grammer

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Sun, 26 Oct 2013 15:01:54 TDS News Item Duration: 165:57
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On today's installment of The Drinking Show, Mike, Donna, Ann and Skype caller Jake from Green Bay discuss: Caps, Skins, Word Series, Sprite is the latest cure for hangovers, Don Geronimo back in DC, Bacon equals less seaman, Perverted Deejay in NYC, Wheel of Fortune bus stops in Dale City, Bill Clinton in Dale City, horrible crimes close to the TDS studios, Halloween, and the 2013 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees.
10/30/2013 21:02:55 - by bumpass
What I have learned so far from this show is,Ann knows how to get
proper other show plugs in....she rocks,,,Donna can open a beer pretty
dag on good.....and I refuse to ever come to the TDS Studio again if a
dead guy continues to get mail there.....will listen to the rest of the show
when I can.

10/31/2013 16:54:39 - by bumpass
Learned more......Jake isnt really from State Farm..its Wisconsin eh?Ann
has it in for George Michael ...theres that dead guy stuff again...I'll be
watching you....oh and that Halloween commercial ad you played....I
wanna be that guy!thanks for letting me tune in.oh and I did not hear
Donna refer to little swimmers....that whale of a word may be cut out for
future use on another podcast.........

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