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Live! from beautiful downtown Dale City, Virginia - it's The Drinking Show!

This is a weekly (or every other week or once a month - life gets busy folks!) Podcast with your host Mike "Thee" McFadden and any other friends who happen to drop by. Most of the content is comedy based, but we'll cover any topic. Tune in Saturdays at 8pm EST on uStream: https://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-drinking-show and Skype in: thedrinkingshow.
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The Drinking Show - Topics - it's the 4 corners show!

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Sat, 19 Apr 2014 15:01:54 TDS News Item Duration:
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Jake, Steve, Gabe, Chris, Donna and Mike - It's the 4 corners show. Skype callers from Wisconsin, California, Texas and good old DC unite to discuss to give a nationwide perspective on many topics. Sorry the show is so late posting...Enjoy! Please remember to support the 2014 Some Gave All Memorial Rally on 18 MAY 2014: http://www.somegaveall.org/
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